Baker's Dozen: Fleet Foxes, Serengeti, keiyaA, and Why Today's Newsletter Is Late

Baker’s Dozen is a recurring franchise in which I share a playlist of songs I’ve been enjoying lately, along with commentary on said songs and artists as well as whatever else I want to comment on. Usually it happens weekly. Sometimes it’s a little late. I’ll get to that in a sec.
Widowspeak, “Jeannie”
Now here’s a band I haven’t thought about in a minute! I saw Widowspeak at Littlefield for CMJ back in, like, 2011? Definitely do not miss CMJ. Finding gems like this quiet beauty of a song is why I keep checking for bands even when I haven’t been quite into everything they’ve done previously. When you find something that hits, there’s nothing like it.
Emily Reo, “Ghosting”
Great example of an artist I’d heard people younger than me talk about for a minute but took a minute myself to get around to checking out. Emily Reo’s vocals on this song (and album, really) remind me of Cocteau Twins—it’s all in the phrasing, really.
Inter Arma, “The Atavist’s Meridian”
Inter Arma put out a great covers collection this year that’s worth checking out, maybe I’ll highlight something from that at some point. In the meantime, immerse yourself in twelve minutes of drama right here. I’m a metal dilettante in that I only know what I like but don’t know a whole ton—but I like stuff that sounds like this, a lot.
Serengeti, “Odouls X Portillos and Kools”
Listen to this track on Bandcamp.
Serengeti is one of the weirdest, densest, smartest rappers working. He creates wild characters like Kenny Dennis, a white aging rapper from the Midwest obsessed with arcane baseball references and fighting Shaq. This is the closing track from his latest album Ajai, a dual character study featuring the titular luxury-consumed protagonist and, in the back half, Kenny Dennis’ gruff-voiced curlicue musings. Fascinating album, fascinating artist.
Fleet Foxes, “I’m Not My Season”
Of course I love the new Fleet Foxes album. Robin Pecknold’s softest songs often hit me the hardest, which explains why this one stood out to me immediately. I have an in-depth interview with him coming for a publication, so keep an eye out.
Broken Social Scene, “Can’t Find My Heart”
Been a real treat to watch Broken Social Scene evolve (de-evolve?) over the past few years from being a nerdy post-rock-indebted indie rock collective to a straight-up anthemic Arcade Fire-esque band. Hug of Thunder and both the last few EPs have been full of gems, this is from the second volume of the Let’s Try the After EPs.
Annie, “The Streets Where I Belong”
Not even the best song on the new Annie album, which says something about how good the new album is. Confession: the newsletter’s late today because I was doing an interview with Annie for a future newsletter. But, hey, you’ll get to read that soon! So that’s good.
Reese McHenry, “Gin & Catatonic”
Reese McHenry survived several strokes and makes music that sounds like this. I can’t think of a stronger testament to the human spirit than that.
Wand, “Walkie Talkie”
These guys have a new album out soon, I think? Here’s a great one from their last album, scratches that “Tame Impala before they became a synth-pop act” itch. (Just to clarify: synth-pop Tame Impala is still awesome.)
dvsn, “So What” [ft. Popcaan]
Vibes. Still digging into the new Popcaan too, but the new dvsn album has some jams on it, despite having an absolutely awful title (at least one person has cited said title as a reason for not listening to it yet, Google it and see if you feel similar).
keiyaA, “Nu World Burdens”
Just a really solid year for R&B in general. This album is exquisite, the kind of thing I see myself just throwing on whenever for a long time to come.
Quelle Chris and Chris Keys, “When You Fall…” [ft. Nappy Nina, Fresh Daily, and 5ILL]
Remember what I said about Quelle Chris being on quite a run the last few years? Love the beat switch on this, the whole album is super good.
Flat Worms, “Market Forces”
Listen, when there’s no more good post-post-punk revival music to post, I’ll stop posting it. Are Parquet Courts one of the most influential indie rock bands of the last decade? Sit with that for a few minutes.